Panel: Nordfilm Network on film education

Film education, fosters a culture of innovation, pushing the industry and disciplines forward.  By contributing to the development and enrichment of individuals interested in the world of cinema, film students are instrumental in adapting to changing trends and staying ahead in a dynamic environment.   Cinema literacy contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of global cultures, cultivates critical thinking, and enhances the analytical ability to appreciate and deconstruct the complexities of storytelling.  All in all, a film education allows individuals to explore the world from a wide perspective, which is crucial in a rapidly evolving world.  Industry-wise, any film education is geared toward preparing individuals for various roles and responsibilities within the filmmaking business.  The Nordfilm network is a Nordic/Baltic initiative to share knowledge and create opportunities for short-term exchange among students and faculty of its member film schools.   In this panel, representatives from each school discuss the state of film education in their own countries, in the Nordic/Baltic region, and globally, and the ways they collaborate to provide better opportunities for students. 


Wednesday the 10th of April


The Nordic House



The 11 film schools represented in the Nordfilm network are: 

Iceland University of the Arts (IS), The National Film School of Denmark (DK), The Norwegian Film School (NO), Stockholm University of the Arts (SE), Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LT), Latvian Academy of Culture (LV), Baltic Film, Media and Arts School (EE), Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (FI), DalarnaAudiovisual Academy (SE), Viljandi Culture Academy (EE) & VIA University College (DK).