ICELAND ON FILM – How about us?


Friday, 31st of March




11:00 - 14:00


Wendy Mitchell

This event aims to provide a general overview of the Icelandic financial schemes for film and TV production as well as to introduce to the industry the multiple opportunities in co-producing. In collaboration with the Icelandic Film Centre, Film in Iceland and The European Commission. The event will run in 5 acts:

1. Icelandic Film Centre.
Presentation of the newly appointed director of the IFC, Gísli Snær and a short introduction to the application system by Sigurrós Hilmarsdóttir, head of production.

2. Iceland, Eurimages & NFTVF.
Presentation of Iceland as a co-producer, the Eurimages fund as well as a brief introduction of the European convention and a presentation of the Nordic Film and Tv Fund which has proven to be one of the Icelandic film’s big supporters.
By IFC consultant Anna Maria Karlsdóttir.

3. Presentation of Film in Iceland by chief film Commissioner Einar Hansen Tomasson. (TBC)
Film in Iceland’s principal mission is to introduce Iceland as a phenomenal location for filmmakers with the added benefit of up to 35% reimbursement of the costs incurred during production in Iceland. Film in Iceland is part of Business Iceland, a public-private partnership established to improve the competitiveness of Icelandic companies and stimulate economic growth.

4. Presentation of Record In Iceland.
Reimbursements are offered for recording costs for music incurred in Iceland. Producers can apply for reimbursements from the State Treasury of 25% of the costs incurred.
Record in Iceland is a promotional effort run by Iceland Music, a public export office for Icelandic music, in collaboration with Business Iceland, Iceland’s foreign service and Reykjavik Music City. The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs.
Presentation by Leifur Björnsson, from Iceland Music.

5 – Case Studies by experienced producers Klaudia Smieja-Rostworoska and Grímar Jónsson. Open talk.