Ný framkvæmdastjórn Stockfish Film Festival
Breytingar hafa orðið á framkvæmdastjórn Stockfish kvikmyndahátíðarinnar. Dögg Mósesdóttir, sem hefur mikla reynslu á sviði kvikmyndahátíða hefur tekið við taumun
Opnað hefur verið fyrir innsendingar í Sprettfisk – stuttmyndakeppni Stockfish
Kvikmynda- og bransahátíðin Stockfish hefur opnað fyrir innsendingar í Sprettfisk, stuttmyndakeppni hátíðarinnar. Sprettfiskur er vettvangur fyrir efnilega kvikmyndagerðar
Thanks to everyone and all who took part in SFIF 2024! It was an absolute pleasure to experience world cinema with you! We can’t wait to see you all again next year, so stay
A discussion with Lynne Ramsay and Lucia Zucchetti
Stockfish was honored to have Lynne Ramsay, film director, writer, producer, and cinematographer, join us as an honorary guest this year. Along with her long-time friend and editor
The Hypnosis – Our behaviour behind the mask
The Hypnosis is a wonderfully clever film about human behaviour and the rules of society. This humorous yet surprisingly philosophical film will make you laugh then cower behind yo
La Chimera – A Lovely Film About Eccentric Hooligans
From the director of Happy as Lazzaro comes La Chimera, an award-winning melancholic adventure film. The film was screened at Stockfish this year and has received much appraisal fo