Sprettfiskur 2023
Leikið efni
- KUKL 1.000.000 ISK – tækjaleiga
- RÚV 700.000 ISK – peningaverðlaun
- Trickshot 200.000 ISK – þjónusta
- KUKL 500.000 ISK – tækjaleiga
- RÚV 700.000 ISK – peningaverðlaun
- Trickshot 200.000 ISK – þjónusta
- KUKL 250.000 ISK – tækjaleiga
- RÚV 300.000 ISK – peningaverðlaun
- Trickshot 200.000 ISK – þjónusta
- KUKL 250.000 ISK – tækjaleiga
- RÚV 300.000 ISK – peningaverðlaun
- Trickshot 200.000 ISK – þjónusta
- Myndin þarf að vera hámark 30 mín í lengd. Framleiðslu ekki lokið fyrir janúar 2022 og íslensk frumsýning nú á Stockfish 2023.
- Aðeins íslensk verk eru tekin til greina þar sem höfundur/leikstjóri og/eða framleiðandi er íslenskur.
- Tónlistarmyndbönd koma aðeins til greina ef leikstjórinn er íslenskur.
- Tónlistarmyndbönd skulu gerð eftir frumsömdu lagi.
- Innsendingar eru ókeypis og fara í gegnum filmfreeway.com.
- 20 stuttmyndir sem valdar verða til keppni verða sýndar á sjálfri hátíðinni.
Leikið efni: Björn Thors, Tinna Hrafnsdóttir, Ragnheiður Erlingsdóttir
Heimildaverk: Ingibjörg Halldórsdóttir, Álfrún Helga Örnólfsdóttir, Víðir Sigurðsson
Tilraunaverk: Hilke Rönnfeldt, Sunneva Weisshappel, Vigdís Jakobsdóttir
Tónlistamyndbönd: Eilífur Örn Þrastarson, Hrefna Hagalin, Dóra Jóhannsdóttir

Leikstjóri: Signý Rós
Framleiðandi: Einmitt einmitt
Um verkið: Nonni is excited for the evening. The love of his life is coming for dinner. Dinner like in the old days. But time has passed and their history and memories live only in one of them.
Lengd: 10 mín

my promised land
Leikstjóri: Siggi Kjartans
Framleiðandi: Thelma Torfadóttir
Um verkið: In occupied Iceland during WW2, up and coming singer Bjork performs at the forbidden underground club „Camp Tripoli“ run by US Marines.
Lengd: 17 mín

Leikstjóri: Katla Gunnlaugsdóttir
Framleiðandi: Stefán Arnar Alexandersson og Kolka Heimisdóttir
Um verkið: Júlía is invited for a dinner party at her father’s house after not seeing her family for years. Her father is one of the richest men in Iceland. During the dinner party he tells them that he is dying.
Lengd: 21 mín

felt cute
Leikstjóri: Anna Karín Lárusdóttir
Framleiðandi: Erlendur Sveinsson og Kári Úlfsson
Um verkið: 11 year old Breki is at constant odds with his older sister, but all he wants is her validation. One day when she is out, Breki sneaks into her closet and makeup, leaving the room a mess.
Lengd: 15 mín

Leikstjóri:Óttar Thorbergsson, Fannar Birgisson
Framleiðandi: Óttar Thorbergsson, Fannar Birgisson
Um verkið: In the middle of winter, Hallur and his son Áki are hunting in the Icelandic highlands when their truck breaks down, leaving them vulnerable and in need of shelter. The oncoming storm forces them to seek refuge in an abandoned mountain cabin nearby.
Lengd: 18 mín

introducing drone fest
Leikstjóri: Elísabet Íris Jónsdóttir
Framleiðandi: Elísabet Íris Jónsdóttir
Um verkið: Five friends come together for a night in the studio.
Lengd: 16 mín

Leikstjóri: Þórhildur Lárensínusdóttir
Framleiðandi: Þórhildur Lárensínusdóttir
Um verkið: Belief in elves has always persisted in Iceland. Elves have a strong relationship with nature and they teach us to respect it. Elves make life more mysterious, exciting and alive.
Lengd: 10 mín

Leikstjóri: Thelma Marín Jónsdóttir
Framleiðandi: Thelma Marín Jónsdóttir
Um verkið: Two girlfriends talk about real emotions. One shares her darker feelings and the other offers to help her heal. That escalates to an unexpected scenario and we’re left with the question: When does our help to heal someone else become traumatic or triggering?
Lengd: 10 mín

Keep F****** Going
Leikstjóri: Marie Lydie Bierne
Framleiðandi: Marie Lydie Bierne
Um verkið: In this documentary about mental health and the relevance of friendship, the light is cast on people being vulnerable while exploring the meaning of „belonging“.
Lengd: 24 mín

Leikstjóri: Jakob T. Arnars
Framleiðandi: Trausti Valsson
Um verkið: The video is based on fourteen drawings and paintings, and four sculptures of architect Björn Kristleifs made by Trausti Valsson.
Lengd: 6 mín

story of a blue girl
Leikstjóri: Alda Ægisdóttir
Um verkið: Out of a magical tree a blue girl is born. A handcrafted fantasy world comes to life through stop-motion animation.
Lengd: 11 mín

steinrunnin (petrified)
Leikstjóri: Tonik Ensemble, Chris Paul Daniels and Anton Kaldal Ágústsson
Framleiðandi: Ágústa Þórarinsdóttir
Um verkið: Steinrunnin (petrified) is a lyrical exploration of collective and cultural eruptions in commemoration of Westman islands’ (Southern Iceland) volcanic outburst fiftieth anniversary.
Lengd: 11 mín

dúnhagi 11
Leikstjóri: Magnús Leifsson
Framleiðandi: Magnús Leifsson
Um verkið: Dunhagi 11 is a short film containing three vignettes about death.
Lengd: 10 mín

mother melancholia
Leikstjóri: Samantha Shay
Framleiðandi: Hallfríður Þóra Tryggvadóttir
Um verkið: A multi-layered portrait of four women and a eulogy for the planet set to, and inspired by Sóley’s album of the same title, a self-proclaimed soundtrack for the end of the world as we know it.
Lengd: 30 mín

Leikstjóri: Ernir Ómarsson
Framleiðandi: Katrín Helga Ólafsdóttir
Um verkið: A music video for the song Er þetta allt og sumt? by K.óla.“
Lengd: 4 mín

jelly belly
Leikstjóri: Ugla Hauksdóttir
Framleiðandi: BSÍ
Um verkið: About the sore numbness of hiding from one’s own feelings or covering them up in shame, the heavy burden of rigid concepts of unhealthy peer pressure are thrown overboard.
Lengd: 4 mín

on our knees
Leikstjóri: Alvin Hugi Ragnarsson
Um verkið: „On your knees,” a song by Virgin Orchestra.
An extraterrestrial entity, on a quest of self discovery, is influenced by the current state of the world.
Lengd: 6 mín

asgeir – snowblind
Leikstjóri: Erlendur Sveinsson
Um verkið: It’s a dystopian tale about a family journeying through the mystical landscape of the Icelandic highland, escaping their past in search of a higher power.
Lengd: 4 mín

Devil never killed
Leikstjóri: Tómas Nói Emilsson
Framleiðandi: Hermann Jónsson, Theó Paula, & Tómas Nói Emilsson
Um verkið: Broken by a tragic loss, a young man turns to a fight club to battle his inner devil through physical violence, but he risks losing himself in the process.
Lengd: 6 mín