„In the beginning you fall in love in some way.“ Martin Piga – In interview
Martin Piga is the editor for the docu-fiction film 107 Mothers, and you could say he started his career a long time ago. When he was younger, Martin and his friends recorded thems
„In Girl Picture, the music reflects more what the character is feeling.“ Viðtal við Jan Forsström
Opposite me sits an entrepreneur in his native country. There is no other so-called ‘music designer’ in Finland other than Jan Forsström, at least not one that has done more t
“I don’t really like the word ‘acting’“ Joely Mbundu – In interview
She is open to every opportunity and only getting started, Joely Mbundu is born in France and is ofAfrican descent. She stars as the lead in the Belgian brothers Jean-Pierre Darden
“I need to know why a director wants to tell a story.“ Viðtal við Alain Dessauvage
Opposite me sits a man who is true to his talents and seeks out sincerity. Alain Dessauvage is a professional editor from Belgium with an impressive list of 25 films on his dossier
Úrslitin í Sprettfisk 2023
Á laugardaginn fór fram uppskeruhátíð stuttmyndasamkeppni Stockfish kvikmyndahátíðarinnar, með pomp og pragt í Bíó Paradís. Sigurvegarar Stockfish voru tilkynntir og h
Konur og kvikmyndagerð – Spjallað við Jodie Foster
Konur hafa í auknum mæli látið að sér kveða í kvikmyndagerð en það verður seint talinn auðtroðinn vegur og aukningin er hæg. Í dag er þátttaka kvenna í kringum 2